13 окт. 2010 г.

10th fashion show X’U SS/2011 collection

X’U SS/2011 from Minaeview on Vimeo.

The heroine of the new Ksenia Marchenko collection is young girl, which fall in love. Inside her bloom bright pink peonies, purple violets, dahlias, and this riot of colors has seen on her clothes. She used to live like a rock star and wear black, but changes that occur, faced two worlds. Worlds of usual routine, which includes elements of sporty, strong silhouettes, shades of night, and the world of fairy-tale fantasy with vivid flashes of color, with silk on the floor, transparent blouses with rose petals.
She drowns in the world of colors with the head, but trying to save that to which she was accustomed. The collection is built on contrasts of colors, textures and silhouettes.
Designer crosses strict elegance with excessive expressive, combining sporty cut with elegant materials, austere black with a floral designer blasts finds a delicate balance, proving once again own skill.

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